
Minting NFTs with Wytchspace

Creating a project
A project is a workspace where you prepare and mint a collection of NFTs. A project might have just a single NFT or may contain thousands. After registering and logging in for the first time, you will want to create a project. You can create as many projects as you like, and delete any that you decide not to use. To get started, click on the "Projects" link in the menu to view your projects, and then click on the "Create Project" button on the projects page.
Project name and description
Set your project name and description to identify the NFT collection. This is set only to help you organise your collections of NFTs and provide information to other people browsing your collections. The name and description can be changed at any time.
TokenName Prefix
The TokenName Prefix helps provide a unique name for each of your NFTs within your collection. When minting, your NFTs will be assigned a name starting with the TokenName Prefix and followed by a monotonically increasing number.

e.g. if you set the TokenName Prefix on your project to MyToken and mint 3 NFTs, the minted NFTs will have the ids: MyToken1, MyToken2 and MyToken3

Note that the TokenName Prefix can only consist of ASCII characters (numbers, letters etc). You cannot use unicode or emojis.
Defining NFT metadata
Before creating the NFT candidates, you need to define the metadata fields that each NFT will have.

At this stage, you are only defining the required fields, not actually providing the metadata itself.
Popular fields to add under the Custom might be:
    description (so that you can add additional descriptive text to each NFT)
    website (so that you can add your website or url to each NFT)
    twitter (so that you can add a twitter handle)
However you are free to define any fields that would want to include with your NFT

In addition to your custom fields, there is also the option to add attribute fields. These are typically to provide attributes or traits for each NFT.
Popular Attribute fields might include:
    background (so that you can add a description or colour)
    clothes (so that you can add clothing type)
Default metadata
The following metadata fields will be automatically added to any metadata you may define yourself (these are required by the CIP-25 NFT Metadata Standard).

    image (this will contain the reference to the image data you have uploaded)
    mediaType (this contains information about the image type e.g. png, jpg etc.)
    name (this is where you will set the name of each individual NFT)
In addition, in testnnet only we add the following metadata item
    mintedBy (this contains a reference to the Wytchspace minting service)
Uppercase? Lowercase? How should I name my metadata fields?
The required metadata fields all follow the accepted camelCase standard (i.e. starts with a lowercase letter, does not include spaces and separates words with a single capitalised letter)

There is no obligation to do so, but if you have no particular preference, we would recommend continuing with the same naming convention for your own fields. This will provide maximum compatibility with marketplaces and dApps which may use this data in the future.
Is there a limit to amount of metadata I can include?
There is no limit on the number of fields you can include, however there is an overall limit to the Cardano transaction size. If you don't go overboard with your metadata, you should be just fine.
Uploading assets
Uploading your digital asset is a breeze. Click on the "add single" link to bring up a dialogue that will allow you to upload the asset from your computer or device and fill in the metadata fields for your new NFT candidate. Adding a single asset will add the asset to any previously uploaded NFT candidates in your project.

For creating large numbers of NFTs, there is a "add bulk" option. This option allows you to select and upload any number of digital assets. On uploading all of the assets, you can then bulk apply the metadata - by downloading, completing and uploading the provided metadata template spreadsheet.

Note that bulk uploading NFTs will replace any previously prepared candidates on the project.
What filetypes are supported
We support standard image formats: JPG, PNG, GIF
Are there limits to the size of files?
For images, most NFTs should be in the order of 10-200KB. If you have very high resolution images (greater than 2048 pixels wide/high) your image may be larger (up to 1MB). If your images are much larger than 1MB, you may want to review your image dimensions or the format.

For maximum compatibility with the majority of marketplaces and wallets, we would recommend keeping image sizes below 1 MB.

We set a top limit of 4MB per image for bulk uploads and 10MB per image for single NFT uploads. If you have a special project that requires this limit to be lifted, please contact our support team.
What dimensions should my digital artwork use?
There really is no limitation here and you should use whatever you feel is right for your art. We would recommend at least 300x300px though
Once you are happy with your candidates, click on the Mint button to start the minting process. You will need the required ADA fee in your internal wallet to be able to mint.

You can view your minted NFTs on the blockchain using any network explorer tool. Wytchspace provides an NFT browser for both preview testnet and mainnet
Minting large collections
Minting very large collections of NFTs can take longer to complete. NFTs are minted in batches and the progress is displayed on your project page.
How much does it cost to mint an NFT?
The cost to mint an NFT on the Wytchspace platform is 2.5 ADA for the first token in the collection and 0.5 ADA for each subsequent token. Note that this includes all platform and cardano transaction fees.

For example, to mint a collection of 100 NFTs, the cost would be:

    2.5 + 99 x 0.5 = 52 ADA
    (or an average of 0.52 ADA per NFT)
Reserved ADA
When you mint NFTs, you are required to reserve some ADA along with the tokens. The amount of ADA reserved is shown on your project page. The amount reserved will depend upon the number of NFTs in your collection. As you sell or transfer NFTs our of your collection, the reserved ADA will be freed up and made available again to your internal wallet.